Since 2013

Found and run by Jane.W (Bachelor of Foreign Language & Literature, National Taiwan University) with JLPT N2, HSK 6 and TEFL qualifications.

Raku Room is a place for language learners to grow endlessly. As long you are willing to learn, Raku Room is always the place for you to grow!

Our learning is never restricted within typical classroom settings only. Aside from physical & online classes, we also offer online self-study websites for all our students.

Growing a Better Self

Learning foreign language with Raku Room does not only add a new language into your skill set, it also improves your communication skills in terms of expression, comprehension etc.

If you wish to learn for the sake of self-growth, Raku Room is the place for you.

Structural Approach

While most native tutors prefer "Direct Method", a method which teaches the language with the language itself, Raku Room offers "Structural Approach".

We teach the language in English & Mandarin, explain cultural differences, ensuring that you understand more than just vocabulary & grammar.